

Can you handle 2,000 Angry People in 48 Hours?


How about 3,000 people publicly humiliate you in 72 hours during Christmas time? I am NOT talking about regular humiliation. Instead, they called you stupid, scammers, ass***, F*** and much more. Well, it happenned to me in 2004. 

還是在聖誕節的 72小時內有3000人在公共媒體網路上公然侮辱你呢? 我不是指平常或是一般的侮辱與汙衊,換句話說,在公共媒體網路上罵你白癡,騙吃老幹的騙子,六字國罵,、、、等等的言語,在2004年,這事確實發生在我身上。


Now, before you make your own assumption that I did something cruel in the public, let me give you a backstory. This way, you will have a better understanding on HOW I was being scolded by more than 3,000 people in 72 hours for being kind. 



You see…

As an online entreprenuer, I have a tendency to be kind to others. I feel that it was the right thing to do especailly I learned that if I am kind to others, people would be kind to me. This was the reason why I decided to come up with a new project where I asked all my friends to giveaway their products for free. Before I launched the project, I anticipated that a lot of people would say thank you to me.



In addition, I could feel people would say things like… “Shù Xiáng, you are AWESOME!”.

This was the reason WHY I worked very hard on making it happened for others. For few months, I would sleep 3 to 4 hoursa day as I told myself that my work would change other people life. In fact, one day before I launched the project to the public, I had a nose bleeding as I was super exhausted. However, for me, at that time, it was all well worth it. 


我那時覺得人家會跟我說: 「Shù Xiáng, 你太棒了! 」所以我那時候非常努力的做這件事,有好幾個月,我每天只睡三到四個小時,我告訴自己我能改變別人的生活方式,但是在我即將把這個計畫案推出的前一天,我一直流鼻血,我甚至還告訴我自己說,這是值得的事情!


On the day of the launch…

Thousands of people signed up for free to claim their free products. However, due to a bug issue which we fixed it that day, I got over 2,000+ messages told me to just die. Within 72 hours, I received more than 3,000+ emails. Though we fixed the issues in which many people were able to download my partners’products for free, still, they were not satisfied at all.  One person opened up a new threat and called me an asshole for letting him wait more than 4 hours to download my products for free. He has even threatened me to smear my name in the public.




For four months, I got concerned of opening up my emails. In fact, I was traumatized as I felt that many people were not as kind as I thought they were. In addition, instead of thinking about how hard I worked on making things available to them, many of them tried to find a way to get more from me for free. When I looked at Chin Chueh Gung’s owner, I know how hard Aba works. Every single time, I visit Chin Chueh Gung in New York, the place is always cleaned. 


有好幾個月,我非常擔心打開我的電郵,其實我是真的受創傷恐懼症候群了,我感覺到很多人並不是那麼友善,它們沒有想到我們在背後所付出的心血,也不曾想過我們的團隊為了人網友下載產品所必須付出的心血與時間,也不曾想過為何我們有本事讓他們不需花一毛錢就可以下載幾千元的軟體產品,而且網友根本不須付任何下載費用,所以網友總是想從我們的公司找到可以下載的免費軟體產品,當我入金闕宮,我看到宮主阿爸每天努力工作,每次入宮內我看到的是宮內總是有師姐們打掃得一乾二淨,阿爸總是煮好吃的給我們吃! 善信也許不知道在這個背後宮內大大小小的瑣事是很多,都是善信看不到的大大小小事,比如說定時擦這麼多的窗戶,每個星期按時拖地,每天按時掃廁所,清理天公爐外面,到垃圾,把該準備的金紙做好,準備敬拜的東西,師兄師姐們燒金,清灰,丟灰,整理倉庫,打掃庭院內外,下雪自己剷雪,還有許多裡裡外外的雜事,根本不是那些出走金闕宮又蓄意毀謗的人說得這樣,宮主吃香喝辣,甚麼事都不做,一直罵人,其實根本不是這樣,我們方法做錯了才會被宮主指責錯誤,其實宮主阿爸甚麼事都帶著門生親力親為,別人不想做他就拿起來做。


When I went out with sister Penny to a grocery store, she would spend less than 10 minutes to buy $50 worth of grocery. When I visit the temple, Aba would always cook lunch and dinner for all the disciples and visitors. For me, that itself requires a lot of hardwork, discipline, and strength. When I saw some people criticized Chin Chueh Gung’s Aba, I want to ask them few simple questions….



  1. A) Why don’t you learn how to live the discipline life?
  2. B) Why don’t you learn to serve instead of just receiveing?
  3. C) Why don’t you learn the art of changing other people life instead of trying to demeaning other people who work hard?
  4. D) Why don’t you learn how to clean your house, take care of your family, and be a good example to the society?
  5. E) Why don’t you come to Chin Chueh Gung and do what Aba and other brother and sister do for just three years? It is not what you think in your mind!


A: 你們有本事過這樣有自律的生活嗎?

B: 你們有本事這樣的默默服務人群不求回報嗎? 你們有學到施比受更有福嗎?

C: 你們有學到去改變別人的一生更好?而不是一天到晚貶低別人的努力嗎?

D: 你們為何不先把自己家內清好,照顧好你自己的家內,做好本分做好榜樣在這個社會中呢?

E: 你們為何自己不來金闕宮,看阿爸與師兄師姐默默做這些服務善信的事,就做個三年就好了,你們就知道不是你想像中的簡單!



I know it would be hard especially every hard work requires a lot of discipline and persistence. However, when you start looking from within, that’s how you find happiness in life. 



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