金闕法門 藉由燒化,讓修行者行持正念,不存偏祈。即便面對困境,也能以正念的智慧來解決問題。祖師在上觀察著眾門生的作為,若你們能定時燒化,且行事合情合理、走在正道上,那麼無形之中,祖師便會助你們撥開阻礙,這正是金闕法門的玄妙之處。
英文的 “Mindfulness”(正念)即是修行的核心。 修行是一種心智的鍛鍊,能廣泛應用於各種領域,使人活在當下,不被雜念與情緒困擾。然而,有些人卻利用心機來操控他人、謀取私利,這種錯誤的轉念最終只會招來因果業報的干擾。
因此,修行者必須時刻保持正確的正念與思維,避免因個人利益而合理化錯誤的行為,否則終將誤入歧途。 受、想、行、識皆需謹慎鍛鍊,培養堅定的定力、正念與心智。
若想透過修行來全方位提升自我,並獲得老天的庇佑,就必須先確立正念。 若無正念,又怎能讓祖師助你度過困難?
希望大家能夠理解祖師為你們指引的修行道路。修錯方向,看什麼事都成問題;修對方向,看什麼事皆非問題。 信不信,由你們自行選擇。
《金剛經》有云:「色即是空,空即是色。」 一切皆為空,當你們看待事物的來龍去脈時,雖可持有想法,但切勿執著。
金闕門生比其他宗教修行者更幸運,因為他們有機會透過燒化來解冤親債,讓人生道路更加順遂。 但即便如此,祖師仍僅會擇取願意真正跟隨的人來傳授法門,指導他們如何看待世事、如何應對人生。
修行路上,許多人不開心,必然有其根源,而這往往源自於貪念、權謀、地位的追求。 當人沉溺於七情六慾,卻又想隨真道修行,這豈不是天方夜譚?
Heavenly Luck, Year of Yisi, 17th Day of the Second Month – Evening scripture
Outward – The Importance of Willpower and Right Mindfulness
Sometimes, the changes in one’s destiny chart serve as a test of willpower. A person with strong willpower will not be easily influenced by external environments. Constantly reminding oneself to uphold right mindfulness and not stray from the path is, in itself, an exercise in strengthening willpower.
Many people rationalize their incorrect thoughts due to desire. If this erroneous mindset continues, they will unknowingly deviate from the right path—this is the most dangerous outcome. Conversely, if one’s change of mind is directed toward the right place, even in times of hardship, they can turn misfortune into blessing.
The Chin Chueh Zushi’s path utilizes burning rituals as a means to cultivate right mindfulness and avoid misguided prayers. Even in difficult times, one should rely on the wisdom of right mindfulness to face problems. Then Chin
Chueh Zushi observes all disciples’ actions—if you consistently perform the burning rituals and walk a path that is reasonable and righteous, Zushi will help clear unseen obstacles for you. This is the profound mystery of Chin Chueh Gung Zushi.
However, if one’s change of mind is directed incorrectly, the result will only spiral downward, leading to increasing misfortune. Therefore, practitioners must maintain right mindfulness when assessing their current situation and practice inner observation to discern whether their thoughts are correct.
In English, “Mindfulness” embodies the essence of this practice. Cultivation is a training of the mind, applicable to various aspects of life, allowing one to live in the present without distractions or disturbances. Unfortunately, some people use manipulative thoughts to control others for their own benefit—this is a common form of deception.
Misguided thoughts ultimately lead to karmic consequences. Therefore, practitioners must always align themselves with right mindfulness and correct thinking. One must not rationalize selfish actions under the guise of cultivation, as this will lead them astray.
All aspects of perception, thought, action, and consciousness must be carefully refined to develop unwavering willpower, right mindfulness, and wisdom.
If you seek self-improvement through cultivation and hope for divine assistance, you must first establish right mindfulness. Without it, how can God help you overcome challenges?
Many claim to follow the Chin Chueh Zushi’s teachings, yet they continue to face difficulties, unresolved inner struggles, and hidden personal conflicts. This is because their cultivation remains superficial—they have not sincerely reflected and corrected their own faults. A mistaken mindset leads to suffering, akin to being trapped in an endless sea of pain.
Thus, changing one’s mindset in the right direction is the key to transformation.
If someone corrects your thinking, it is an opportunity to change for the better. But knowingly making mistakes while justifying one’s wrongdoings—do you think God with its vast wisdom, would accept such behavior?
I hope everyone understands the path Chin Chueh Zushi (God)has set for your cultivation.
If you cultivate incorrectly, everything will seem like a problem.
If you cultivate correctly, nothing will seem like a problem.
Believe it or not, the choice is yours.
Looking Inward – Self-Reflection and Letting Go of Attachments
The Diamond Sutra states: “Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.”
Everything is impermanent. When observing the causes and effects of a situation, you may have thoughts about it, but you must not become attached.
Everyone has different levels of thought, different perspectives, and different environments. Differences in thought processes make it impossible to force others to see things the same way. When disagreements arise, conflicts follow. Instead of dwelling on these, it is better to let go of attachments, take another step forward, and focus on correcting your own path in life.
Many people feel unhappy because reality does not align with their expectations. Others pretend to be happy, often due to concerns about saving face.
Chin Chueh Zushi guides disciples to begin their cultivation through inner observation and self-reflection. If you seek holistic well-being of the body, mind, and soul, start by nurturing your spiritual health.
Chin Chueh disciples are more fortunate than followers of other faiths, for they have the opportunity to resolve karmic debts through burning rituals, making their life paths smoother. However, thid Path is rarely walked, and Chin Chueh Zushi could only chooses those willing to follow.
Zushi teaches only those who are willing to listen and be guided, instructing them on how to perceive the world and how to respond to situations.
Modern people are highly opinionated and rarely accept advice. Thus, Chin Chueh Zushi can only teach those who are receptive.
If someone is willing to change, they will stay on the right path and transform themselves.
If someone is self-righteous and only seeks the Zushi’s knowledge for personal judgment and manipulation, then they alone must bear the consequences of their choices.
On the path of cultivation, many experience unhappiness, and this always stems from greed, power struggles, and status-seeking.
When people are consumed by worldly desires, yet still wish to cultivate according to the True Path, it becomes nothing more than an unattainable fantasy.
If you seek divine blessings from Chin Chueh Zushi, you must first commit to true self-improvement and cooperation with the teachings.
Only then can the heavens grant you the best of what is destined for you—don’t you agree?
With deep gratitude to Chin Chueh Zushi