





我們當時還與阿爸討論到這個骷顱頭就在房子裡面,當我先生跟阿爸說他想要把骷顱頭丟掉,不知是否不敬,祖師借Penny 的口傳音告訴我們,首先要讓這個骷顱頭入土為安,說的遲那時快,忽然間我們看到Penny臉色轉蒼白而且開始冒冷汗聲音也忽然變了,當時我與先生就坐在她的對面,看得很清楚,經過媒乩傳音的傳達,我們得知家內的問題都是從這個源頭開始的。自從公公過世以後,家內發生很多奇怪的事情,每次我先生到那裏去裝修,回到家就生病,還有一次我先生差點掛掉,還有我兩個孩子都一直生病,我也一樣,反正總有說不盡的怪事。


後來我們決定燒化,阿爸與Penny 就開始進行處理燒化的事,燒化完以後很奇怪的事情發生了,短短幾個月裡,我的先生把房子完全修繕好,竟然沒有發生任何問題,我們才把房子放到市場上賣,結果不到一個月就有人出價買了,而且還賣了個好價錢,我們很感謝金闕宮能夠幫我處理我公公的房子能讓我們賣掉,甚至最奇妙的事是經過燒化與補庫,我的家裡情況大有改變,金闕宮改善了我一家人的健康與無形的干擾,當然也改變了我們的生活。


Story of selling my father in law home

My father in law was archeologist and architect he was a very intelligent man but with social complications. I believe he had Aspergers which is a person with high intelligence and a high functioning form of autism. Of course it was never confirmed. Needless to say we had are ups and downs. My husband has more stories than I regarding the complicated relationship they had with one another. In his years of life he exceeded in investing which passed all his assets to his only heir when he passed away; his son; my husband; which included a home he paid in full for near my home. My father in law bought that home to be closer to his son and grandkids. He did not pay much attention to the needs and work the home needed when he purchased the house due to his health; he concentrated more on the location closets to my home more then anything. The home needed major updating and had many issues with it.


While my in-father did some archeological digs in his younger years he brought home a skull from an Egyptian grave to keep as a souvenir during one of his digs. This skull travelled with him during his every move. I never gave it much thought to it beside it giving me chills every time I came near it.  But upon his passing my husband inherited this skull with the house. My husband who is a contractor and me as a realtor thought the logical thing to do with my father In law’s property was to renovate it and sell for a profit.  My husband is a hard worker but when it came to renovating my father in law’s property he could not seem to finish the job; the renovations went on for a few years on and off he would work on it. Things just seem more complicated to fix or finish there. Strange things occurred there that made the job more difficult. For example a flood occurred one time that caused the partial finished basement to get ruined and mold formed. Once the basement was fixed my family went away on vacation and the sump pump was some how unplugged and the basement was flooded and ruined again. How the sump pump was unplugged is just one the strange things that occurred there. My husband asked Aba and Penny to look into the skull my father brought back from his archeological dig to see what he should do with disposing of it. When penny looked into it and spoke to the ghost residing in the skull her face turned gray and she started sweating. We found out that the skull had a lot to do with many of our problems in life including trying to sell my father in law’s property. With the advise of Aba and Penny we gave an offer to the skull and burned many boxes. In doing so my husband was able to fix all the issues with the house without any incidents and without any strange things occurring and after a month on the market the house was sold with a nice profit. Thank you CHIN CHUEH GUNG temple for helping us sell my father in law’s  property and also in helping improve the lifeof my family in the process.



關於 ccgusa1499



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