修行的本質,在於 修正與提升自身的言行舉止,調整 身心靈的偏差與思維的誤區。無論透過何種方式,只要能達成目標,都可稱之為修行。
然而,金闕道的修行,並非單純地 參禪、誦經、打坐、茹素、念佛、行善積德、或通靈問神,這些僅是外在的表現形式。若一個人終日誦經打坐、通曉靈法,卻內心陰險、不善待他人,那又有何意義?
守護宮內的門生們亦十分辛勞,肩負護守與維持秩序的重任。 同時,宮主與傳音在台灣,除了接待信眾,亦需為門生進行祭改與燒化,這些皆是繁重的職責。
在台灣,應以靈活且適切的方式引導善信,當你們自身走在正確的道路上,才能帶領他人跟隨。 若行事不得法,無法使人信服,那麼一切努力便無法產生真正的價值。
Heavenly Fate Year of Yisi, 2nd Month, 16th Day – Evening Lecture
Outward Reflection – The True Meaning of Cultivation
The essence of cultivation lies in correcting and elevating one’s actions and conduct, adjusting the imbalances in body, mind, and spirit, as well as rectifying distorted ways of thinking. No matter the method, as long as one achieves the goal of self-improvement, it can be considered cultivation.
However, the cultivation in the Chin Chueh Golden Palace Path (金闕道) is not merely about meditation, chanting scriptures, sitting in contemplation, adopting a vegetarian diet, reciting Buddha’s name, doing good deeds, accumulating hidden virtue, or connecting with spiritual entities—these are only external manifestations. If a person engages in chanting, meditation, and spiritual practices yet harbors malice and unkindness within, what benefit does such cultivation truly bring?
Thus, Chin Chueh Zu Shi (金闕祖師) teaches us to reexamine the true direction of cultivation.
Though we follow the natural laws, every person is born with ingrained habits and karmic burdens from past lives. To break free from the cycle of reincarnation, one must first begin by reforming oneself—eliminating bad habits and refining one’s character until they become someone whom others respect and admire. This is the true essence of self-correction and cultivation.
However, humans are often trapped by their own ego, believing their thoughts to be the most correct. Yet, in the eyes of others, they may not leave a favorable impression. True cultivation means transforming oneself into a trustworthy and respectable individual, inspiring others toward righteousness. Only then does cultivation hold true value.
Everyone possesses the potential for growth and improvement, yet personalities differ—some prefer defiance, some obediently follow, some remain indifferent, and some enjoy arguing and refuting others.
Nevertheless, the Patriarch reminds us: Cultivators must take full responsibility for their words and actions.
Karma is personal, and by reducing unnecessary karmic debts and transgressions, one’s path in life will naturally become smoother and more joyful.
Inward Reflection – Temple Affairs and Self-Improvement
Today, the guardian of the temple has completed the burning of the treasury offerings for the disciples, and in just a few days, you will set out for Taiwan. Before your departure, it is crucial to properly handle all temple affairs, ensuring that you leave without lingering concerns and with a clear mind.
The disciples guarding the temple also bear a heavy burden, tasked with maintaining order and protection. At the same time, the Temple Master and the Messenger (傳音) in Taiwan must not only meet with devotees but also perform rituals and treasury burnings for the disciples, which is an exhausting responsibility.
However, remember this: these duties are not just for the sake of the disciples or believers but are acts of accumulating your own merits and fulfilling your responsibilities to the Patriarch.
While in Taiwan, you must use different approaches to guide devotees effectively. When you lead others onto the right path, they will naturally follow you. If your actions lack wisdom and fail to earn trust, then your efforts will hold little merit.
On the eve of the Bodhisattva Guanyin’s birthday, the Patriarch has given guidance: Disciples should present themselves as living examples, using the Thirty-Two Manifestations (三十二相) to lead others toward the righteous path.
Trust that through this experience, you too will gain insights and wisdom.
With reverence and gratitude to the Patriarch.