
45天的轉變 – 員工變老闆。- 小梁

我和我老公(小張)跟着一位韓國吳教練已經學了4年的跆拳道了。每次課程結束之後,我們都會淺聊一下燒金的重要性。因爲這位韓國教練是基督徒,他每次聽到之後沒有什麼評論,只是笑一笑。今年年初,小張就感覺韓國教練不太對勁,他也猶豫要不要跟教練聊一下,如果有事情發生,可以試一試燒金解決。一個月之前,韓國教練跟我們聊到成人的學員不太多,小張就提議可以教他如何做生意,於是我們在教練的道館談了2個多小時。小張並沒有指導教練如何經營事業,而是講到他對金闕法的理解和燒金的重要性。韓國教練意識到,他的壞運氣和他的能力沒什麼關係,而是周圍的人帶給他的。在這之後的2天,教練從長島的一個地下室搬到了離跆拳道館開車只有10分鐘的一個小公寓。當我和小張去宮的時候 ,也跟阿爸和師姐聊到了這位韓國教練。他一週工作7天, 每天工作16個小時,可他的老闆只給他很少的薪水。
經過這次事情,韓國教練覺得很不可思議。阿爸的一個指點,就讓教練從被動變成主動,所以他堅持要去宮見衆祖師和阿爸跟時師姐。他也一直要求小張帶他去宮,同時他也錄了一段視頻講述這個奇蹟。在阿爸的同意下來到宮之後,教練覺得內心很激動和感動,一直強忍淚水。他也當下決定改名字和燒庫。當他的庫在地母祖師生日燒的時候,教練覺得有人一直在敲他的頭,一整天感到眩暈而不能正常教跆拳道,甚至在晚上的時候吐了很多次。小張知道後,馬上聯繫師姐。師姐聽到之後哈哈大笑,一個功夫如此高深之人竟然被祖師打敗了。教練跟我和小張說,祖師改變了他的命運。從長島搬到法拉盛後, 新房東對他很好, 時刻關心他,還幫他做飯,給他孫輩般的疼愛。事業方面,他只是想當個小股東,拿點小分紅。沒想到竟然做了老闆,有了自己的跆拳道學校。所有的轉變發生在45天之內,真是太玄妙了。有祖師在罩着我們,我們太幸福了。
MIRACLE: From Employee to Business Owner in 45 Days.�By: Xiao Liang
For four years, my husband, Xiao Zhang, and I have been practicing martial arts with a Korean Taekwondo master, Master Wu. After each session, we discussed the importance of burning papers. As a devout Christian, Master Wu smiled to stop us from discussing burning papers.
Earlier this year, after we received our black belts, we noticed that something was off with Master Wu. Xiao Zhang occasionally mentioned to Master Wu that he could assist him with his business but didn’t explain how. Xiao Zhang believed that if someone wanted to learn, it was up to them to ask for help—he would not voluntarily share information.
About a month ago, Master Wu called Xiao Zhang to ask for his help. Xiao Zhang wanted me to join him. Rather than teaching him how to build a business, Xiao Zhang and I shared our experiences and insights gained over the past decades by following the Ancient Teachers of Chin Chueh Gung and practicing burning papers.
During the conversation, Master Wu realized he was merely a “Money Machine” for his Grandmaster, the Taekwondo school owner, and his second Mother, the second shareholder. Master Wu had to work seven days a week, putting in 16-hour days. His Grandmaster took all the income from the school and allocated a substantial portion to the second mom while giving him petty cash. Sometimes, the owner kept delaying his salary for two weeks and didn’t reimburse Master Wu for the expenses he paid using his credit cards.
His second mom forced him to live in her basement, an hour and a half away from the Taekwondo school while charging him 30% more in rent than he would have paid in a nearby area. To make matters worse, every weekend, she demanded that Master Wu buy beer, errands, and takeout. Meanwhile, his second mother’s family bullied him by calling him “stupid” and “a sore loser.” As a result, he was always broke and owed thousands of dollars in credit card debt.
Within two days after our conversation, Master Wu moved to a nearby location on the second floor of a cooperative building, just 10 minutes away from the Taekwondo school.
When Xiao Zhang and I visited Chin Chueh Gung, Godfather suggested that Master Wu ask his boss, Grandmaster, for a percentage in the company. If Master Wu didn’t, even if he burned the paper to increase his luck, he would transfer all his invisible luck to the Grandmaster and his second mom (the second shareholder).
Master Wu requested a percentage from the Grandmaster. Instead of agreeing, the Grandmaster said he would eventually give Master Wu the company, considering Master Wu like a son. Following the advice from Chin Chueh Gung’s Aba, Master Wu gave his boss a resignation letter. Not only was the Grandmaster shocked, but he started yelling at Master Wu for being heartless.
Master Wu replied that I would rather work as a food delivery boy than wait for petty cash for another 15 years. Master Wu called Xiao Zhang and asked me to teach him how to use the Apps for Door Dash and Uber Eat.
The next day, the Grandmaster called Master Wu several times. Although Master Wu was emotional because he felt betrayed, Xiao Zhang asked Master Wu to face his emotions. The Grandmaster urged Master Wu to return, having recognized the challenges of managing a Taekwondo school for 12 hours each day along with a 3-hour commute. The Grandmaster decided to sell the school for a confidential price, which Master Wu agreed to.
Xiao Zhang immediately texted God sister Penny. Penny said the price was too high and asked Xiao Zhang for a lower price. After speaking with an attorney and consulting with a local CPA, Master Wu discovered that the financial reports were a mess, and Grandmaster didn’t even pay the utility bills. Then, Master Wu asked the Grandmaster to transfer the lease to his company as the new owner.
Instead of receiving welcome news from the landlord, the landlord pretended to be upset with Grandmaster and decided to evict him by serving a letter from an attorney. Fearing a customer lawsuit for not fulfilling his commitment, Grandmaster transferred his company’s assets to Master Wu at no cost.
The following day, Xiao Zhang assisted Master Wu in finding a new location. While on their way home, Xiao Zhang noticed a “For Lease” sign just five minutes walk from their current school. After speaking with the building owner, Master Wu learned that the new space is twice the size of their current school, and the rent is 40% cheaper. Master Wu decided to put down a security deposit immediately.
“Impossible. Impossible. Impossible,” Master Wu kept repeating to Xiao Zhang.
“What do you mean?” Xiao Zhang asked.
“Only the Zu Shi (Ancient Teacher) of Chin Chueh Gung can make this happen,” Master Wu continued, tears streaming down his face.
“I feel so loved. I feel a real love,” Master Wu said as he asked Xiao Zhang for tissues.
After experiencing miracle after miracle, Master Wu continually urged Xiao Zhang to take him to see Chin Chueh Gung’s Aba and Zu Shi (Ancient Teacher). Master Wu requested that Xiao Zhang record video after video of his miracles.
“Please tell your godfather that I wanted to meet him just for one minute,” — Master Wu kept saying it to Xiao Zhang while holding on to his tear.
Once Xiao Zhang obtained permission from Aba, he took Master Wu to the temple. When Master Wu met Aba and Penny in the temple, he became wordless. He kept trying to hold on to his tears. Master Wu asked Penny to change his name and burn paper during Mother of Earth’s birthday.
During the Mother of Earth’s birthday, in the afternoon, as Master Wu arrived in the temple, he kept coughing continuously. As soon as he put the treasure chest in the furnace, he became dizzy. He kept telling Xiao Zhang that something (Invisible Deity) kept hitting him, and he had to vomit all the time. When Xiao Zhang attended the class that night, Master Wu had to lie down on the floor, burping, or go to the bathroom all the time.
Xiao Zhang told Sister Penny about Master Wu’s situation. Penny laughed out loud and remarked that even a skilled martial arts master could be knocked out by Chin Cheugh Gung’s Zu Shi (Ancient Teacher).
A couple of days ago, Master Wu shared with Xiao Zhang and me how the Ancient Teachers changed his life. He went from living in a basement in Long Island to a second-floor apartment just ten minutes away from the school. His roommate, an older woman, took care of him and treated him like a grandson by cooking three meals daily for him.
In terms of business, Master Wu wanted to become a minor shareholder, where he would receive a small compensation. He never expected that he would now own a school and completely transform his life in just 45 days. It is truly miraculous. Master Wu said his heart is full of love because of Chin Chueh Gung’s Zu Shi.
After seeing Master Wu’s miracle, Xiao Zhang and I continuously thanked Chin Chueh Gung’s Zu Shi for showing us the path of light.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” Master Wu kept telling Xiao Zhang and me.

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