
Burning Treasure Chest vs. Going With Karma 燒化寶庫改宿命盤 VS 隨宿命盤


Four years ago, my mom came to see Aba and Zu Shi in New York. At that time, Aba mentioned to my mom that if she wanted to change her situation, she can try to burn papers for herself for three years. This way, she would know the effect of burning treasure chest in Chin Chueh Temple. — Of course, as we know it, you can’t just burn papers in other temples as it may not work as it doesn’t have the direct connection with the real Jade Emperor.


So, my mom has decided to burn papers every three months for three years. Not only did she burn papers for herself, she had also burnt papers for my dad and I. Before burning papers, she was very pessimistic, sad, fell down three to four times a day, as well as had massive headaches on a daily basis. However, on the first year of burning papers,  I saw my mom from being pessimistic to a happy person. In addition, she fell less and less than before. Further, she went from having massive headaches every single day to a happy & healthy person.


Last year, when she visited Aba and Zu Shi in New York, she told me that she didn’t even feel for more than one year. Further, she has even healthier than ever. On top of that, my dad who used to be in the wheel chair was able to go to bathroom by himself as well as be able to gain more weight. Basically, both of them looked very healthy. However, my mom always complaint that the price of burning papers were too expensive. For the first two years, I was able to keep reminding them the situation they were in where both of them fell and had massive headaches.



However, on the third year, they started to forget the pain they went through. At one point, my mom told me to just “shut up”. She told me that she has only committed burning papers for three years. So, after the third year, she would simply stop doing it even though I told her that she might have to receive the consequences of going with the Karma.

在第三年開始,他們開始好了傷疤忘了疼,我母親不再補庫了,她告訴我她只想補三年,所以第三年後他們就不再補庫了,我告訴我母親那她命盤後面的因果有可能再糾纏她,但是她不聽還叫我 “shut up.”

On November 2017, few weeks before the birthday of Water Emperor (Lunar Calendar: October 15), I was on a phone with my mom. At that time, I told her a story of one of the previous disciples. The story goes like this…


One day, I spoke with one of the oldest disciples in Chin Chueh Gung. He told me that the effect of one treasure chest will only last for three months. It also means that if one doesn’t burn papers, he might need to go with his original karma. Of course, it is depending on how strong his or her karma is. Sometime, just one longevity treasure chest may not even be enough.


I told my mom that the last time she burnt the paper was three months ago. It would be wise for her to burn more papers and stay healthy as she has enjoyed for three years.


I proceed to tell my mom that I saw with my own eye that one disciple went back to her own original karma after she got way too comfortable. At that time, my mom told me… “QUIET.” Then, she hang up my phone.

我又告訴我母親我看到一位門生她的過去,她曾經燒化以後就開始非常好過,但是沒有珍惜,最後離開金闕宮以後,又回到她過去的輪迴宿命中,我母親聽了非常不高興,她叫我”閉嘴” ,然後就把我的電話給掛斷了!

Few weeks later, after the birthday of water emperor, I spoke with my sister. She told me that mom fell down few times. Dad fell down few times too. Yesterday, when I called my mom, she went back to her original karma in which she was very depressed, sad, and down. In addition, she told me that she has been eating medicine as she has been having massive headache every single day. Plus, she told me that my dad’s situation got worsen. And, before I was able to say few more words, she hang up the phone as she knew what I was going to say.
At that time, I shake my head as I just don’t understand why my own mom was willing to let go of burning more papers for her own happiness and health. Does money really bring happiness? Does health more important than anything else? It is not like she is very poor. My parents own a 22-bedroom house and is consider one of the wealthiest family in my home town. Yet, they would rather let go of Chin Chueh Gung’s Aba and Zu Shi who have helped them through burning papers.

其實那時候我真的很搖頭,我不了解為何我母親不想為了她自己的快樂與健康來燒化寶庫,金錢對她來說這麼重要嗎? 經過腦瘤手術的我完全了解有健康的身體才是真正的重要的事,世界上甚麼最貴?病床最貴,我母親並不窮,她非常有錢,我父母親擁有一棟22間的大房子,他們兩人是我們城市裡最有錢的人,但好可惜的是他們寧願放棄金闕宮祖師的補庫法門來進行燒化!

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