
Evening Lecture on Lunar February 18th Day, Year of Yisi (Lunar 2/18)

Outward Reflection
At midnight tonight, we respectfully celebrate the sacred birthday of Guan Yin Zushi.
You should understand that the first divine being to guide a person upon entering this world is Guan Yin. This is why every household venerates Guan Yin.
The name Guan Yin in Chinese means “one who perceives the sounds of the world.” Out of compassion, the Guan Yin Zushi manifests in different forms to guide and save sentient beings. This is the origin of the “Thirty-Two Manifestations of Guan Yin Zushi.” Those who have read the Guan Yin Sutra will know that Guan Yin Zushi appears in various forms to rescue beings according to their needs. Thus, the countless appearances of people in this world can all be seen as manifestations of Guan Yin.
If you deeply comprehend the teachings of the Chin Chueh Zushi, you will realize the vital role Guan Yin Zushi plays in this world. In both the tangible and intangible realms, there exist mediums and signs that transmit the Dharma.
Do not judge the path of cultivation through the limitations of your own narrow mindset. The manifestations of the world are vast and boundless—only by observing the people and events around you can you gain greater wisdom and insight. Use righteous thoughts to discern good from evil; the choice is always in your hands.
As disciples of the Chin Chueh Gung, remember that it is Guan Yin Zushi who has led you onto this path, imparting to you the principles of heaven father (Jade Emperor) and earth( God of Earth). Whether you believe it or not, an unseen medium is guiding you along this journey.
Life is but a few decades long. Guan Yin Zushi hopes that every Chin Chueh discisple maintains righteous thoughts and perceive the true way of heaven and earth. Do not resort to cunning or deception, seeking to exploit the True Path or undermine it. In the end, it is always humans who lose opportunities, never the divine.
Believe in the existence of Chin Chueh Zushi and abide by Zushi‘s teachings. Even in times of difficulty, each Zushi’s divine power will guide you on the path of safety and peace.
The teachings of Chin Chueh Gung are now conveyed in plain language to enlighten all people. In the future, there will be no daily transmission of seven-word verses; instead, practical wisdom and living Zen will serve as guidance to walk the righteous path.
Inward Reflection
The journey of cultivation is like riding a train—some board midway, while others disembark before reaching the final destination. Not everyone will arrive at the end, and when the train finally reaches its terminus, only a few passengers remain.
As Chin Chueh Zushi often says, the Dao Pan (the Wheel of the Path) is constantly turning, filtering out those who are no longer suited for the journey. This is a natural law, not a matter of good or bad, but simply the way things unfold.
What matters most is whether you can cultivate your own path well. If your own circumstances are not favorable, why concern yourself with the progress of others? The practice of cultivation and the mission of guiding others are just like a train ride—people coming and going is common. Do not let it trouble you.
Learn to follow the flow of fate with ease. The depth of one’s connection with heaven and earth depends on the individual. Walk your own path steadily, refine your inner character, and accumulate virtuous deeds—this surpasses all else.
Chin Chueh Zushi also hopes that none of its disciples will become the “one rotten apple that spoils the whole barrel.”
With reverence, we acknowledge the boundless grace of the Lord(Zushi).

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Welcoming Ceremony on the Fifteenth Day of the Second Month, Year of Yisi (乙巳), as Ordained by Heavenly Mandate

Outward Reflect …


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