
My encounter with Chin Chueh Gung Master

Icame to Chin Chueh Gung about a year and a half ago. I had depression and was suffering from insomnia.  Many health problems have occurred and I was not able to conduct a normal life. I was at the verge of breaking down and no one in my family could do anything to help me.  My friend in Boston introduced me to Chin Chueh Gung. She told me that she has been there to solve her paranormal problems. So, I thought maybe I should give it a try. 

What strikes me the most was the first time I met Chin Chueh Gung master. The oracle, Penny revealed many things about me without knowing who I am at first.  She could tell me how I felt deep inside my heart and that no one in my family understood me.  At the time, I was suffering from depression.  I’ve always felt there was someone following me, however, I could not get rid of the weird feeling because I could not see it. Nobody believes what I said and my husband kept telling me that I was hallucinating. During this period of my abnormal life, I have been going to see my family doctor regularly.  He was not able to solve my unspoken and invisible problems by many blood drawings.    

When I tried to ask Chin Chueh Zu Shi, the master told me to burn joss paper for my invisible debtors.  I wondered if I should give it a try and I decided to do it. Without hesitation, I paid for the paper money immediately. Then, Penny’s husband and Chin Chueh Aba helped me burn those papers.  She just told me to wait for a couple of weeks and I would see the difference.  The first night when I returned home and went to bed, it was the first night that I slept so well. 

Ever since then, I have been burning paper every three months because I believe what Zhu Shi said. My depression and insomnia disappeared miraculously. I have not been sick since last May. This is a great help to me and it is a proven method better than taking medications from doctors. I am grateful to Chin Chueh Zhu Shi and I would like to share my experience with people who believe in Chin Chueh Gung. 

As an American, I could accept this religion. I realized many people in my community have the same problem as me. Therefore, I’d introduce this religion to my circle of friends who have similar problems. But, it takes time to solve the entire problem. Nothing in life is a one-step solution. Patience and persistence is the best way to find out your progress. 


第一次見到Penny 和金闕祖師,他告訴我許多我內心的掙扎與痛苦她也告訴我無形的冤親債主一直跟著我,這是無人可以了解的,就連我的家人都無法了解我在說甚麼,就因為如此我得了憂鬱症,另外一事是我常常感覺到有一個人跟在我後面但是我卻看不到,夜裡還對我吹著風,家內的人沒有一個相信我說的話,我先生說我可能有幻覺,但是我經過家庭醫生的抽血檢查,都沒有任何症狀來解開我這些問題。




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